Break the cycle

Let’s talk about how to deal with the toxic stigma behind masculinity.

in 10 men experience depression and anxiety
of men feel more depressed than they admit to
out of 10 men experience trauma in their life

Take a seat, stretch out your legs, and let’s talk.

Research has shown men are less likely to seek help for trauma, abuse, neglect, addiction, and mental illness because they’ll be perceived as weak.

This is a community of men and women who support us, who have lived through trauma may need help finding our way to the other side to begin a new chapter. If you are ready to explore and learn more about ways to overcome Man Up's social stigma, join us as part of the discussion about how to break the cycle. You are not alone.

Meet the man behind the cause

Rish Mitra is a single father and an engineer living in southeast Michigan. He hosts the podcast "Dads and Deadlifts," through which he raises awareness on breaking the social stigma around boys and men.

He is the founder of a non-profit Dads And Deadlifts Foundation (D.A.D. 501c3) through which he aims to provide resources, guidance and help to overcome adversity for boys, young men, and fathers with a history of trauma and abuse so they can find the true purpose of their life in their pain.

Rish, the founder of Dads and Deadlifts, and his son

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A book from author Rish Mitra titled "Unchained and Unmasked"

"When boys are raised with an expectation to subdue their emotions, treat other genders as separate, and get validated by society by being "tough," we are creating a generation of men who will objectify women, subdue their emotions with things like addiction and be anything but themselves."


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Rish is unapologetically authentic and with a clear vision. He is hardworking and pours his heart into helping others which is his way of showing gratitude. He genuinely put his soul in learning and equipping himself with all that is needed to make his vision come alive! It is just the beginning of a change that the world needs and building a legacy that can be carried for the next generations. 

I sincerely want to thank him for all that he is doing and super excited to see the change he would bring to the world!"

Smitha Gunturi, The Journey Podcast


I loved the opportunity of being on Dads and Deadlifts show not just once but twice. Rish is such an amazing human being and a dad. So happy to be partnering up with men raising awareness about mental health struggles we all go through in our human experience, and normalizing help-seeking and reducing stigma around it. 
I'm also a regular listener of his podcast and recommend it to everyone looking to be empowered, inspired, and educated about emotional and mental wellness.
Gunjani Patel, The Traumatic Transformation Podcast 

I have heard Rish speak on several occasions on the topic of men and mental health. He has shared his journey and shows a vulnerability that men today are not comfortable doing. He is passionate about making a change through communication and always creates a safe space for narratives through which we can normalize and break the cycles around the sigmas of mental health in boys and men.

Rish has continued to be unapologetic about his thoughts for me. As a mother of 2 young boys, he has taught me the importance of creating a dialogue and encourage talked around mental health.

Parmeg Mistry, What will People Say

Rish has a powerful message and mission to normalize conversations around abuse and trauma that have been kept in the dark for too long. His message is especially lighting how other men come forward and share their own stories. His work and mission will undoubtedly have a profound healing effect on us all. Thank you, Rish!

Sonya Prasad, What will People Say




2631 Harris Street

Ferndale, MI 48220

United States